Psycho-Cybernetics-Maxwell Maltz-Audio Book

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The main video is complete audio-book of the Psycho-Cybernetics book by Maxwell Maltz

Psycho-Cybernetics Lessons 1-12

We have 2 worlds in ourselves: shadow (frustration) and sunlight (confidence) – wee need to leave the shadow to come to confidence

  1. You have a self-image that you CAN improve it
  2. You have a success mechanism in you that will steer your mind to a productive goal IF you let it
  3. You can use your imagination either constructively or destructively – you are the PRODUCT of your imagination – your opinion of yourself COUNTS
  4. Think and act creatively – reach your goal by exercising your success mechanism – do ONE thing at a time – live in the present, not past
  5. Learn act of RELAXATION – forget your past failures – concentrte on past successes and use it in present to improve your self image
    1. Forgive others
    2. Forgive yourself
    3. See yourself at the best
    4. Keep up with yourself
  6. Power of BELIEFS (true / false) – You must de-hypnotize yourself from negative beliefs
  7. Quest for HAPPINESS (a habit) – Happiness belongs to you – but don’t step on people’s or you own toes
  8. SUCCESS mechanism
    1. S = sense of direction
    2. U = understanding – your need and needs of others
    3. C = courage
    4. C = compassion
    5. E = esteem – self respect
    6. S = self-acceptance
    7. S = self-confidence
  9. FAILURE – scars your self-image
    1. F = frustration
    2. A = agressivness
    3. I = insecurity
    4. L = loneliness
    5. U = uncertainty
    6. R = resentment
    7. E = emptiness
  10. How to be your own plastic surgeon – remove emotional scars, remembering to be to big to be threatened, to be self-reliant and to relax
  11. How withstand stress – to change a crisis into an opportunity
  12. You can be a winner just as easily as to be a looser by changing your luck – block negative feelings – concentrate on successes of the past and use in present for instant confidence

These are the 12 principles to reach self-fulfillment to be successful and happy.

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