About NMarketech.com

NMarketech.com stands for “Nerko Marketing & Technology” is my personal video blog.


I am an Internet Marketer, Web Developer and Domain Name Investor with passion for technology in general.

My formal training include Computer Science (B.Sc.) and Information Technology (M. Sc.).

In the marketing industry I have experience with Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook advertising and YouTube advertising.

As technology evolves all the time it is important to stay on top of current trends in your field and this is what I am striving for as I am very passionate about continuous learning and personal development.

I founded WebProgress.Net, Inc. back in 2002. It started as a Web Development agency and has over time evolved into Web/App/Marketing shop.

Lately I am mostly using open source CMS technologies for web development (WordPress & Drupal). I am also experimenting with some other CMS frameworks regarding user experience and load speed.

I help businesses, organizations, and entrepreneurs develop their online presence by advising them about their website structure, layout, usability, website optimization, SEO best practices, SEM – Search Engine Marketing (Google Ads, Bing Ads, YouTube), PPC – Pay Per Click (Facebook) and social media (Facebook, Instagram) marketing strategies. How can I help?

Currently I am working on my digital courses for the purpose of changing paradigms and teaching students to see their internet “home” (their website) from another perspective.

My interests also involves languages and their scripts (alphabets) or writing systems. On my page PISMO you can see some writing systems that are one of the oldest in the Balkans, used by different cultures dating back more than one millennium (1,000+ years).

Here is my kindle book:


Marketing tools: goodmarketingtools.com

Courses & Software: coursessoftware.com

Schedule a call: webprogress.net

Booking Software: appointmentscheduling.org






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