How to start a Web Design Business using WordPress | How to start a Web Design Business

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Short Backstory

How to start a Web Design Business, you ask? I have been developing websites since 2000. My first job I got out of college when I did career change was for a financial company (let’s call it TheCo) in downtown Chicago which was named Top 50 upcoming companies in the tech sector for its innovative approach in their niche by utilizing technology very well.

While I was taking classes at Loyola University Chicago I learned several programming languages and I had an affinity towards Java programming so I had the thought to look for a job that offered this opportunity. However there was an opportunity at TheCo to work with ColdFusion server side scripting at that time.

Because I wanted to get started in the field asap I asked if I could get the opportunity to work with them. TheCo gave me a ColdFusion book and two weeks to learn the fundamentals. After two weeks I was hired after demonstrating my new skill.

In the next three years I worked for TheCo where I learned a lot and I can proudly say I was part of a team that build a tech foundation for a company that today manages in over $1T (yes, that is a T as in Trillion) in assets under management.

After that I went on my own and shortly after I developed my own ColdFusion Web Framework. Based on that framework I developed my proprietary enterprise accounting software for logistics companies and served several clients over the next few years. My software handled some $50M in flow through assets during those years. If was semi-automated and able to replace few office employees in terms of work load it handled.

Why am I telling you this story? I want YOU to understand that sometimes we find opportunities that do not align with our wishes 100% at the moment. They probably never will because life does not happen 100% according to our wishes. If an opportunity presents itself that will get us closer to our goal we should consider that option while not losing sight from our goal.

Its like if we have to travel 10 bus stations to get home and we board a bus that will take us only 6 stations closer to home. Whatever happens, we can easier make the next 4 to get home than having to travel all 10 we started with.

Whatever your journey is, I recommend you consider this offer as a unique opportunity that you have in front of you.

What’s Needed & How to start a Web Design Business?

To run a web development agency, you will need at least the following fundamental (essential) set of of skills (w/o these it’s not going to work):

  1. Web development / design skill (obvious one)
  2. Marketing skills (how to promote your business & help your clients promote theirs – this will help you get more clients than just with developing sites)
  3. People skills (to be social and to know how to talk to people and how to present a business opportunity and offer your help to other businesses)

This Opportunity on How to start a Web Design Business

What I am offering you in this opportunity is simple. How to start a Web Design Business you can do as follows: I have for you immediate solutions for the first two requirements and for the third I will be able to compile some scripts and tactics I have purchased from courses and training I have been trough. This should get you started in the right direction. The social aspect in the third point is something you can practice to get better at and once you get few wins under your belt you will have more confidence and will keep getting get better at it.

To keep this post as short as possible, let’s get to it.


What is the least painful and fastest way to get started with Web Design? Yes, WordPress! When I was starting out, I was programming websites from scratch and let me tell you, although powerful place to be at, it is very time consuming and many things are repetitive. This is where open source solutions like WordPress CMS come in. WordPress has come a long way since 2003 and has evolved into a great CMS platform used even by big companies and brands. Below are just few big names:

Big brand and companies using WordPress

If it’s free and can be extended in so many ways that goes far beyond this posts scope. It can be adopted to work for any niche and its WooCommerce plugin transforms it into a state of the art e-Commerce platform. The stats on how much WordPress is widespread today speaks for itself, so here are few figures:

  • WordPress powers 34% of the web.
  • 59.4% of all websites using a known content management system are using WordPress.
  • How many websites use WordPress in absolute terms? Close to 64 million, according to conservative estimates.
  • WordPress is responsible for an additional 1.1 million domain registrations every 6 months.
  • 34% of the world’s 10,000 most popular websites use WordPress.
  • WordPress 4.9 has been downloaded over 159M times.
  • WordPress gets almost as many unique monthly visitors as Twitter does.
  • WordPress users produce about 70.5 million new posts and 52.1 million new comments each month.
  • Over 409 million people view more than 21.1 billion pages each month on WordPress sites.
  • WooCommerce has a 27.7% market share among ecommerce platforms.
  • WooCommerce is used by 13.2% of all websites that use WordPress.
  • It takes as little as $60 a year to host a good WordPress site.
  • WordPress is platform-agnostic.
  • WordPress is available in 57 languages.
  • WordPress currently offers 47,350 active plugins.
  • There are 3,500+ free GPL-licensed themes for WordPress.
  • WordPress takes care of 80-90% of the mechanics of SEO.
  • WordPress is the fastest growing web publishing software.
  • WordPress needs less than 5 minutes for installation.
  • WordPress held 128 WordCamps in 48 countries in 2017.
  • Some of the most amazing WordPress sites are showcased at the site.
  • The average WordPress developer in the US earns $50,365.

I think this is enough. Below is a graph that shows CMS market usage:

CMS usage discribution

OK, enough about WordPress.

What’s included in the 7-week coaching program?

  • 250+ short, to the point videos that will take you from A to Z and show you how to build WordPress websites correctly
  • Weekly coaching calls with Q&A + supplement weekly videos to serve you better (based on most common need)
  • Access to a Private Facebook Mastermind group where we will collaborate and stay on top of our journey
  • A Quick-starter WP website with a fast loading premium top 10 WP theme downloaded 2M+ times
  • 600 page WordPress reference manual covering all WordPress settings and features (updated regularly)
  • Several additional bonuses worth hundreds of USD
  • See the sales page with all details here.


Traffic generation and conversions. We will cover some traffic aspects in our WordPress course above but for those who want to go into the same dept and learn it as we will do WordPress in this course, you can get hold of the new Internet Traffic Mastery course (and for very limited time be a founding member and gain access to Internet Traffic Academy – a complete Web Traffic Education Program that will teach you all you need to know about web traffic and how to master some 20 traffic sources so you will never depend on just few of the most common traffic platforms most internet marketers use.

Sounds exiting? Believe me it is. 

Traffic is a lifeblood for your website and your business. Without web traffic there are no customers. Without customers there is no business. No secret here.

Not all traffic is created same. As you have learned from my video some traffic can actually hurt your website and your business.

So not only the right traffic is needed but also you have to know how to convert this traffic to customers. Once you know this you are the boss.


I will be preparing some material and scripts and pages during our WordPress Mastery course so once you are done with the course you will have something ready to get started on getting clients.


WordPress Mastery Coaching Course

The above training requires certain investment on your part in both, money and time. Money replenishes and time does not. If money is used in a smart way it will save you time and allow you to get ahead faster this faster achieving your goal. The question is how long are you willing to wait and put your goals and dreams on hold?

Opportunities come and go and you should ask yourself if you can miss this opportunity. The WordPress Mastery Caching course is valued at $5K since you are learning business skills which will allow you to make money. The course starts early December 2019 and has its original price lowered 80% as a promo price so you can lock in your promo price of $1K right now. There is no guarantee for how long this promo price will be available and the price can go up any moment from now until the class starts.


   Internet Traffic Academy

Same with the Internet Traffic Academy (ITA). The complete academy is worth at least $10K and you can get it for $1.5K for very limited time because the ITA has 5 modules each of which will be sold for $2K. Check out the ITA offer here. You will learn the most advanced traffic generation strategies and methods in the over-the-shoulder manner. You will get an extraordinary world-class training for less than the price of one University class. This is an insane value!

I am doing something unconventional here because a standard marketing tactics are to show you only one offer and I am breaking that rule.

The reason I am doing this is to make you aware what you need (written in this post) and give you an opportunity to take a leap forward if you make the right decision.

I spent six figures to learn internet marketing after I received an advanced University degree from Loyola University Chicago. Here is how much just one year of undergraduate study cost at the University.

LUC yearly tuition cost

Wish you the best…

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