
GDPR Plugin For WP

2018-05-27 FacebookTwitterLinkedInGoogle+ EU,Plugins,US

GDPR Plugin For WP

After four years in the making the day has come when the new EU law regulating EU citizen’s data handling and privacy came into effect (May 25th, 2018).

Many companies not really prepared and hoping for the best are scrambling to update their processes which may not be so trivial and cheap for some organisations.

This law is the most significant data privacy change in the past 20 years and it is here to stay so businesses and organizations need to make sure they take it seriously to avoid hefty fines which can go up to $20M of 4% of their revenue.

You can find all the 2018 reform of EU data protection rules for organizations and individuals on the official European Commission’s website.

It is an EU law which affects organisations outside EU who handle EU citizens data in any way so it can be considered as a World reaching in its essence.

The regulation defines (not limited to):

  • What data is collected and howGDPR Plugin For WP
  • Purpose of data collected
  • How much data is collected
  • How long is the data kept and the accuracy of it (updates)
  • What it is communicated with the data owner about his/her data
  • How to handle data owners request of data access/update/retention
  • How to handle data breaches

The above are just few items that may be affecting many organizations so they need to look into specific details on how they can implement there regulations.

Since my vlog is mainly targeted to small businesses and entrepreneurs I have here included a GDPR Plugin For WP which will allow you to make your WordPress site GDPR compliant by following the wizard setup process inside the plugin. The whole process in the plugin is layed out by following an EU Law expert’s advice and recommendation so it is not a mere WP plugin with few settings done by a tech guy but rather a comprehensive plugin which takes into consideration all needed aspects of your online presence and dealing with data.

This is probably the easiest and fastest way to get your WordPress site GDPR compliant without having to invest a lot of time in research and education and to just get started.

For those using Drupal sites I also include General Data Protection Regulation Module. This one had not yet tested for vulnerabilities so use with caution.

GDPR Plugin For WP

