
Advanced Customer Acquisition Webinar Slides

2016-12-27 FacebookTwitterLinkedInGoogle+ Customer Acquisition,Internet Marketing

Advanced Customer Acquisition Webinar Slides

[slideshare id=58231734&doc=notes-160213205722]

Awesome webinar, lot of value, you can see the Advanced Customer Acquisition Webinar Replay Here. Even if you don't buy Neil's coaching program, these slides alone will improve your business a lot if you implement at least some of the strategies.

I will keep revisiting this post and implementing the material tought here and will report some of my findings along the way dong this.

Some of the (free) tools mentioned in this webinar are:

If you want to know how I embeded this slideshare document into my blog, please share this content on social media and you will see 3 easy steps belov how you can do the same in 3 minutes flat.


  1. Install the Slideshare plugin
  2. Copy the Slideshare WordPress Shortcode (click the "Share" button below the slides)
  3. Paste the shortcode in your post or page (adjust the width of the slide in the "SlideShare Configuration" section of your plugin from above)


You can also watch another webinar on this page if you will.

Note: This is NOT an affiliate link. I shared this because it is a good value in my opinion.

