How to Install SSL on WHM & CPanel Login Pages in under 5 Minutes | WHM SSL

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I was trying to find a YouTube video on this topic but could not really find it as the videos I found were not showing this process and the video titles would be wrong as well. That is why I made this video as I am assuming that many of you would be interested in securing their server access…

You can follow the video or read below to see the few steps involved in this process.


Watch this video for a 5 minute setup of SSL for your WHM (and CPanel) server login. It is important to secure your server access to protect your website(s).

This video assumes you already have the AutoSSL enabled that has issued the SSL certificates to your domains on your server.

Any domain certificates on your server may be installed to enable a secure connection to server services like WHM login (port 2087), cPanel login (port 2083), Webmail service (port 2096).

You can install it via your WHM to establish a secure connection to any of the above mentioned services via secure ports 2087/2083/2096, respectively

Installation Process

Here I am assuming you have a dedicated server (this will not be accessible on shared hosting).

  • Login to your WHM service (yourserverip:2087)
  • In the search box on top left type: Manage Service SSL Certificated
  • Tick the checkbox next to Calendar, cPanel, WebDisk, Webmail, and WHM Services
  • Click Browse Certificates and select the one from the list
  • The two top boxes will be populated automatically and the third should be fine empty
  • Click Install
  • Click Proceed to restart cpsrvd service
  • You may want to clear browser cache before trying to use https:// (may not be necessary)

Setup Redirection

  • In the top left search box type: Tweak Settings
  • Select the Redirection tab on the right
  • Select the ON option (Off is the default selected)
  • Click the Save button


Now you can log out from your server and try the secure login like:

WHM (replace x’s with your server’s ip) OR (replace with your domain) OR OR


CPanel (replace x’s with your server ‘s ip) OR (replace with your domain) OR OR


Webmail (replace x’s with your server’s ip) OR (replace with your domain) OR OR

These are all valid ways to access your server via secure (https://) connection.


